アンリアる! C++入門編 ~対話形式で学ぶUnreal Engine~
BOOTHでUnreal Engine C++入門書を販売していますUnreal Engine上でC++を使って開発するために必要となる基礎知識を一冊の本にまとめた本です。 対話形式によるわかりやすい説明を目指しました。無料の試し読みも可能ですので、ぜひ読んでみてください!
[UE5] Solution: The right-click menu item for uproject files does not appear

This solution can also be applicable to UE4.

When you right-click on a .uproject file (Unreal Engine project file), you will see the following items in the menu. But sometimes, you can not see these items.

  • Launch game
  • Generate Visual Studio project files
  • Switch Unreal Engine version…

Right-click Menu

In this case, we can not update the Visual Studio project files or change Unreal Engine version.
This article shows a solution for this problem.

How to Display Right-click Menu Items

We can solve this problem by copying/pasting "UnrealVersionSelector.exe" and running it.
Here are the specific steps.

Copy "UnrealVersionSelector.exe" in the following folder.

(Epic Games Installed Directory)\Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64

[Example] C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64

Source Folder

Paste "UnrealVersionSelector.exe" into the following folder.

(Epic Games Installed Directory)\Epic Games\(Unreal Engine Version)\Engine\Binaries\Win64

[Example] C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64

Target Folder

Run the pasted file "UnrealVersionSelector.exe " and click "Yes".

Confirmation Message

If the following message is displayed, then click "OK".

Completion Message

Right click on the .uproject file and you can see the items in the menu.

Right-click Menu